Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Dental Implant Surgery - The Patient Recovery Experience

Feb 25, 2013 @ 12:04 PM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Dental Implants Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

Dental implants are a great option for patients who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth. Yet in order for patients to get the most out of dental implants treatment, they need to undergo a full recovery process. This helps ensure that the dental implants themselves are properly integrated with the jawbone and gum tissues of the mouth.

Many patients are not aware of what the recovery period of implant dentistry is like or how long it lasts. Our Staten Island cosmetic dentist and the team here at the practice would like to take a few moments right now to go over the basics of dental implant recovery so you have a basic understanding of what to expect.

About Dental Implants

First off, dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically anchored into the jawbone and gum tissue in order to hold a dental crown, a dental bridge, or a denture. Dental implants provide a hold that is as strong as natural tooth roots, and they will also be able to prevent bone loss and gum recession in the area of a tooth gap. When you meet with cosmetic and implant dentists in Staten Island, you'll find out if dental implants are right for you.

What to Expect After the Initial Dental Implants Surgery

After getting Staten Island dental implants surgically placed, patients can expect to feel groggy and tired. Patients will need to be driven home after the oral surgery since they will not be in any condition to operate a vehicle.

For the next few days, tenderness or soreness of the jawbone and gums is common. Patients can also expect acute sensitivity around the area of the dental implants, which is normal. Any undue discomfort can be managed with recommended pain relievers.

Dietary Recommendations

We recommend that patients eat soft foods that are lukewarm rather than hot or cold during the early period of recovery. When possible, try to avoid chewing on the side of the mouth with the dental implant. In addition, do not use straws to drink beverages in the first few weeks as this can affect the way the dental implant heals.

What is osseointegration?

Osseointegration is an essential part of dental implants treatment. It refers to the moment in which the dental implant fuses with the hard and soft tissues of the mouth. This is essential for effective restorative dentistry treatment with dental implants, and allows the implants to properly support the dental restoration.

Other Considerations for Dental Implants Patients

Generally this whole healing process can take between four months to nine months depending on the patient and his or her circumstances. If at any time a patient has major concerns about their healing progress or experience, they are encouraged to get in touch with our team.

Learn More About Your Options for Advanced Care

If your would like to learn more about implant dentistry and your many other options for advanced dental care treatment, be sure to contact our Staten Island implant dentists today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible dental health.