Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Dental Implants and Single Tooth Replacement

Apr 25, 2013 @ 11:40 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Dental Implants Dental Crowns

Dental implants have become one of the most popular restorative dental treatments for replacing missing or severely damaged teeth. As dental technology continues to advance, dental implants continue to improve and provide patients with benefits superior to those of alternate restorative treatments. Although many dentists still refer patients to an outside oral surgeon when dental implants are being placed, cosmetic dentists Alex and Jason Hecht are trained to perform all stages of dental implants treatment in their dental office. For our patients in Staten Island, this makes dental implants treatment both beneficial and convenient. For these reasons. Dr. Hecht is likely to recommend dental implants treatment for tooth replacement, even if just a single tooth is missing.

Many patients assume that dental implants treatment is only an option for those patients who have a number of teeth to replace. They may think of dental implants as an alternate to dentures when an entire jaw of teeth are lost or damaged. The truth is that dental implants can easily be used for single tooth replacement as well and are often recommended by Dr. Hecht. The main reason that dental implants are recommended over alternates such as a dental bridge is because of the superior benefits that dental implants offer. Some of these benefits include:

The Dental Implants Procedure

All steps of the dental implants procedure will be completed in Dr. Hecht’s dental office. We possess the experience and the dental technology that make the dental implants procedure convenient and comfortable for our patients. The placement of the dental implant will require a small hole that is drilled in the jaw bone where the implant will be placed. We do offer our patients sedation dentistry in order to ease any discomfort or anxiety that may be experienced during the procedure. Once the hole has been formed, the dental implant, which is actually a tiny titanium screw, will be secured to the jaw bone. At this time, a temporary restoration will be placed so that the dental implant has time to fuse with the jaw bone. This process, which is known as osseointegration, can take several months.

Once osseointegration is complete, the final prosthetic can be placed. Prosthetic options for dental implants include dentures and dental bridges, but for a single tooth replacement, Dr. Hecht will use a dental crown. The dental crown will be attached to an abutment that is anchored to the dental implant. While the dental crown may eventually need replacement, the dental implant should be permanent.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have a tooth that is missing or badly damaged, dental implants may be the perfect solution. There is no restorative dental treatment that provides more comfort, security, or durability. If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants, schedule an appointment with Dr. Alex or Jason Hecht at your earliest convenience.