Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Can You Benefit from a Dental Mouth Guard?

Sep 22, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Tmj Teeth Grinding

The outer surface of the teeth is a hard material known as enamel. The enamel is the tooth’s natural defense against damage, infection, and other oral health problems. Unfortunately, enamel is not invincible, and when it wears down, the teeth can become weak and unhealthy. These teeth can benefit from restorative dentistry services to repair tooth damage and restore oral health. However, in an ideal world, the teeth would be protected before any of this damage even occurs. While oral hygiene habits and professional dental care are helpful in preserving oral health, some patients need a little bit more assistance to protect the teeth. For many patients, a mouth guard can offer that extra bit of protection. Mouth guard candidates at our Staten Island practice can receive a custom-fit piece from Dr. Alex or Jason Hecht to prevent injury or damage to the teeth.

Do I Need a Mouth Guard?

Many patients assume that, unless they participate in aggressive athletic activities, they really do not have a need for a dental mouth guard. This is why a number of our patients are surprised when Dr. Hecht suggests the use of a custom-fit mouth guard. A mouth guard can be worn during athletic activities, but it can also be worn while a patient sleeps in order to protect the teeth and hold the jaw in proper alignment. This is an oral appliance that can benefit a number of our patients. Ideal candidates for a dental mouth guard include the following:

Patients who have experienced any of the above conditions should meet with Dr. Hecht as soon as possible to discuss the benefits of a custom mouth guard.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in protecting the strength and health of your teeth and would like to find out if a custom mouth guard is right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Hecht at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!