Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

The Top Causes of Tooth Loss

Jul 23, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

In many cases, adult tooth loss can be prevented. This is because most oral health issues that cause tooth loss can be prevented with proper dental care and oral hygiene. Undergoing routine dental exams, along with understanding the causes of tooth loss, make it easier to prevent tooth loss. In addition, restorative dentistry treatments can benefit those who suffer from tooth loss and dental damage by replacing missing teeth and restoring oral health. To learn more about your treatment options and the causes of tooth loss, schedule a consultation with Staten Island, NY dentists Alex Hecht and Jason Hecht.

The Causes of Tooth Loss

The loss of an adult tooth can occur for a number of reasons, most of which are due to oral health problems. Being aware of the most common causes of tooth loss is a key way to prevent it and protect your oral health. The common causes of tooth loss include:

Can Tooth Loss Be Prevented?

In many cases, tooth loss can be prevented with good oral hygiene habits. Some ways to prevent tooth loss include:

Seek Treatment Today

Don't let dental damage or tooth loss go untreated. To discover your treatment options, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Drs. Hecht and Hecht.