Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

The Causes of Poor Gum Health

May 24, 2017 @ 11:00 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Gum Disease Gum Recession

Healthy gums make a healthy and beautiful smile. That's why our Staten Island restorative dentistry center offers advanced treatments for periodontal disease and gum recession. Preventative care is always best, though, and it helps patients have healthy smiles for years.

With that in mind, let's take a moment to consider some of the causes of gum disease. By knowing these, you can know how to prevent major periodontal health problems.

Bad Oral Hygiene

If you don't brush and floss enough, this is bound to have an effect on the health of your teeth as well as your gums. That's why it's important to brush at least twice a day and to floss at least once a night. Ideally you ought to brush and floss after every meal.

Brushing and Flossing Aggressively

Believe it or not, there's a wrong way to brush and floss. If you brush your teeth too aggressively and snap your floss down to strong, this can injure the gums and cause gum recession, and can also harm the teeth. Be gentle and thorough when cleaning your mouth.

Use of Tobacco Products

Cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco can all lead to an increased risk of lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. These substances can also increase your risk of experiencing gum recession and gum disease. Consider these facts yet another compelling reason to quit.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding can lead to chips and cracks on your teeth. The constant stress of clenching and shifting can also lead to gum recession. If you suspect you suffer from teeth grinding, be sure to speak with your dentist about potential treatment options.

Crooked Teeth (Malocclusion)

When your teeth are crooked, there a chance you may experience teeth grinding or have excessive pressure exerted on the teeth, resulting in gum recession. Be sure to consider orthodontic care if you have serious issues with crooked teeth.

Poor Diet

A diet that's full of junk food, soda, and sugar makes tooth decay and gum disease more likely. Consider adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, and to avoid excessively sugary or fatty foods when possible.

Side Effects of Medications

Some medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect, which can increase your risk of experiencing tooth decay and gum disease. Be sure to discuss all side effects of drugs with your doctor, and to stay hydrated with water if dry mouth may be an issue.


People who suffer from diabetes tend to be more prone to infections such as gum disease in addition to other health problems. Given this, be sure to practice proper oral hygiene and to keep your diabetes carefully monitored and under control.

Changes in Hormones

Hormonal imbalances and changes can leave you more prone to gum disease. This is particularly true with regard to adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, and a woman's monthly cycle. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene to keep oral bacteria under control.

Family History and Genetics

Some people are simply more likely to experience gum disease than others because of their genes. The only thing that can be done in these situations is to visit your dentist regularly and to practice good oral hygiene.

Contact Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

If you would like to improve your periodontal health, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. We will help you fight gum disease and recession, enhancing the overall health of your smile.