Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Invisalign Attachments FAQ: 5 Common Questions

Dec 16, 2021 @ 09:45 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Invisalign Attachments

In the past, patients with severe dental alignment issues only had the option of traditional metal braces. Invisalign® clear aligners were typically only recommended for patients with mild to moderate issues of crowding, spacing, underbite, overbite, and crossbite. Thanks to the modern technology of Invisalign attachments, more and more patients are eligible for clear aligner therapy.

Drs. Alex Hecht and Jason Hecht in Staten Island, NY, proudly offer clear aligner therapy and can create a personalized plan to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. In many cases, Invisalign attachments are necessary. Continue reading to learn the function of Invisalign attachments, reasons you might need them, treatments costs, and more.

What Do Invisalign Attachments Do?

Attachments are small, tooth-colored circles, squares, or triangles made from Invisalign’s patented SmartForce® material. The attachments are bonded directly to the teeth with composite resin. They are used as handles for the aligners to push the teeth in the right direction.

In short, Invisalign attachments make complex tooth movements possible with clear aligner therapy.

Will I Need Attachments?

The only way to truly know if you need attachments is after a consultation with our experienced Staten Island dentists. Though Invisalign has traditionally been for minor-to-moderate bite issues, attachments have made treatment for more complex cases possible.

You may need Invisalign attachments if you have:

Do Attachments Give Invisalign the Ability to Treat All Alignment Issues?

Unfortunately, no.

Attachments certainly make Invisalign more accessible, but traditional braces are still necessary in some cases. Metal brackets and wires are often better suited for patients with severe alignment and bite issues. Thankfully, today’s metal braces are more discreet than ever before with thin wires and the option of tooth-colored brackets.

Will the Attachments Damage My Teeth?

Invisalign attachments are completely safe and easily removed once your treatment is complete. Your dentist will use a polishing tool to gently remove the attachment, so no one will ever notice they were there. For patients who do experience discoloration around their attachments, professional whitening treatments are available.

How Do Attachments Affect Treatment Cost?

As with any oral health treatment, more complex cases typically cost more. Patients who require attachments should expect to pay more for each attachment and the time it takes to carefully place and remove them.

Clear aligner therapy with no attachments usually costs around $5,000. With attachments, patients could pay as much as $7,000. Our dental team will discuss the cost of treatment with you before it begins. If necessary, our team can create a personalized financing plan that suits your budget.

Contact Us to Achieve a Beautiful Smile

It isn’t vain to want straight teeth. A perfectly aligned smile is a healthier smile. It can also improve your overall and mental health. At Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist, our goal is to help patients achieve their ideal smiles through compassionate care and advanced technology. To learn if Invisalign is the right option for you, contact our team today at (718) 705- 4434 or message us online to schedule an appointment.