Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Dental Implant Treatment Timeline

Sep 25, 2012 @ 10:33 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

The first and most essential step in the dental implant treatment process is the initial consultation. Designed to give Drs. Alex and Jason Hecht a chance to evaluate the condition of your oral health and organize a corresponding treatment plan, your first appointment at our Staten Island cosmetic dentistry practice will also give you a chance to address any questions or concerns.

On the day of your procedure, you should expect to spend a few hours in the office, although this aspect of the timeline will depend on your individual needs. Immediately after your surgery, our doctors suggest that you rest for at least a full day to give your body time to recuperate.

Understanding the Recovery Period

In most cases, our Staten Island patients can expect to go through two phases of dental implant recovery. The first phase of recovery usually lasts for the first week or two after oral surgery. During this time, it is important to eat a diet of soft foods, while avoiding sticky and crunchy snacks. If you smoke, quitting for the duration of your recovery will reduce your risk for infection and implant failure. It is normal to experience mild discomfort during phase one of recovery, but Drs. Hecht can discuss your prescription and over-the-counter pain medication options.

For our Staten Island dental implant patients, phase two of recovery occurs in the four to six months after your implants are placed. Once the strong titanium screws are placed in your jawbone, the process of osseointegration, or the fusing of the bone and the implant, must occur before a permanent restoration can be placed. Similar to the other steps of the procedure, the specific timeline of this phase of recovery depends on each patient's unique case, but generally lasts a few months.

Once the osseointegration period is complete, patients can return to our practice for the dental restoration phase of the dental implants procedure.

At-home Recovery

Just as with natural teeth, the way you care for your dental implants at home is equally important to the treatments we provide at our Staten Island practice. You must be especially careful to thoroughly clean the teeth and gums during osseointegration to ensure that gum disease or other oral health conditions do not occur.

Some of our patients habitually grind or clench their teeth in their sleep, which can be detrimental to the structure of your new implants. If this becomes an issue for you, Drs. Hecht can provide you with a mouth guard to protect your new smile from damage.

Unusual or particularly painful side effects should be addressed with one of our experts immediately. Understanding your limitations and committing to a diligent at-home care routine will benefit the health of your smile long term. If you have any questions during your recovery period, our friendly and incredibly knowledgeable staff will be ready to take your call.

Learn More about the Dental Implant Treatment Timeline

At the office of Drs. Hecht, we are dedicated to restoring the health, function, and beauty of your smile from start to finish. The recovery process is as important to us as it is to your health, and we will be sure to keep you informed and prepared every step of the way. To learn more about our dental implant procedure, contact us today.