Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Relieving Pain with TMJ Prolotherapy

Jan 22, 2023 @ 09:01 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Tmj Prolotherapy

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a painful condition that can negatively impact your daily life. When the symptoms of TMJ disorder are uncomfortable, it’s important to see a dentist. 

At Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentists, dentists Alex and Jason Hecht help patients find relief from TMJ disorder and other oral health problems. 

One treatment that is promising for treating TMJ disorder and alleviating pain is TMJ prolotherapy. Our Staten IslandNY, dentists would like to take a moment to consider TMJ prolotherapy and how it can help relieve the pain of TMJ disorder. 

About Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull and enables the mouth to open and close. 

Normally, movement between the joint and skull is smooth and painless. However, for people with a condition called TMJ disorder, moving the jaw open and closed can cause pain and other symptoms such as:

Relieving TMJ Disorder Symptoms with TMJ Prolotherapy 

It’s often difficult to determine the cause of TMJ disorder, which can make effectively treating the condition challenging. Options like mouthguards worn at night may not be enough to relieve pain throughout the day and surgical options are invasive without a guarantee of successfully relieving symptoms. 

TMJ prolotherapy is a non-surgical option that has helped many Staten Island TMJ disorder sufferers find relief from their symptoms. 

What Is TMJ Prolotherapy?

TMJ prolotherapy is a treatment for TMJ disorder in which a dextrose solution is injected into the jaw joint. The purpose of the injection is to help repair and regenerate damaged tissue within and around the TMJ. Prolotherapy helps relieve pain by causing an inflammatory response to encourage healing in the areas where the injection was placed. 

Depending on the individual needs of the patient, prolotherapy injections can be given at different intervals and may be combined with other treatments, such as mouthguards or oral splints, to increase the results.  

What to Expect after TMJ Prolotherapy

After prolotherapy, it’s common for patients to feel some pain at the injection site. Pain typically resolves within a couple of days and can be managed by applying ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area. Pain medication, specifically ibuprofen, is often not recommended as it can interfere with the effectiveness of the prolotherapy injection. 

Additionally, some patients experience temporary numbness around the injection site (on the side of the face and near the ear). Some redness or bruising may be present as well but will usually resolve shortly after treatment. 

Relief from TMJ symptoms can take a few weeks to be felt. This is because it takes time for the body to complete the regenerative healing process triggered by prolotherapy. In some cases, additional treatments may be needed to provide relief.  

Find Out if TMJ Prolotherapy Is Right for You

If TMJ disorder is causing pain and impacting your quality of life, TMJ prolotherapy may be right for you. To find out more about TMJ prolotherapy or other treatments, call our Staten Island office at (718) 705-4434 or contact us online